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Welcome to the English medium literacy instructional series teaching and learning resources for years 1 to 8.

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- Nature of science
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- Nature of technology
- Statistics
- Geometry and Measurement
- Planet Earth and beyond
- Technological knowledge
- Physical world
- Material world
- Number and Algebra
- Technological practice
- Gather and interpret data
- Use evidence
- Critique evidence
- Engage with science
- Interpret representations
- Articles
- Stories
- Poems
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- Comic
- Kākano | Seed
- Tupu | Seedling
- Māhuri | Sapling
- Rākau | Tree
- Consonant digraphs
- Consonant patterns
- Initial and final blends
- Long vowels
- Short vowels
- Single consonants
- Complex morphemes
- Tense
- Vowel digraphs
- Contractions
- Syllable types
Search results
1187 items - Showing 1 - 10
Undersea Gardens
by Julie Ellis
This report provides information about seaweeds found in New Zealand waters and how they are used. There is a quiz activity that helps children to apply knowledge from diagrams to actual examples. The rich content means that this text is best read over more than one session and shared before being used for guided reading.
Gold 2
The Water Slide
by Jane Buxton
illustrated by Scott Pearson
In this simple but action-packed story, a child describes her experience of playing on a water slide with her dad, including her attempt to involve the family cat.
The New Cat
by Joy Cowley
illustrated by Robyn Belton
This story is about Greedy Cat arriving at Katie’s house as a kitten, and it describes how he gets his name. The New Cat is best read after you have shared the big book Greedy Cat so the students are already familiar with his personality and with the concept of “greediness”.
Simi Helps
by Feana Tu‘akoi
illustrated by Samuel Sakaria
Simi's family is preparing an ‘umu and Simi wants to help but nobody has a job for him. As he sits under a tree thinking it’s not fair, he notices there is no smoke coming up from the ‘umu. When he alerts Dad and Papa, they realise the fire has gone out and that they needed his help after all.
Yellow 3
The Night the House Shook
by Maria Hansen
illustrated by Kelly Spencer
This story, narrated by a young boy, is based on an actual experience during the Christchurch earthquake of September 2010. An earthquake wakes the boy. When the shaking stops, his parents check on the children and discover that his little brother, Lenny, has slept through the whole thing. When Lenny wakes, he can’t understand why his room is so messy.
Blue 3
The White Tailed Spider
by Tina Johnson
photographs by Aaron Beck
This report both acknowledges that the white- tailed spider has a “bad name” and presents a different point of view. Although it has an informal conversational style, the report also includes some examples of the more formal language of report writing and of persuasive texts.
Gold 2
by Waitangi Teepa
illustrated by Thaw Naing
This report first explains some of the stories and beliefs associated with Matariki, the Màori New Year, especially its links to the stars. It then describes some of the ways that Matariki is celebrated.
Gold 2
Extraordinary Earthworms
by Sean O’Connor
photographs by Aaron Beck
This report reveals some surprising facts about earthworms, but its focus is on how earthworms improve the soil and help plants grow.
Gold 2
by Sean O’Connor
illustrated by Vaughan Flanagan
In this narrative, Martin feels uneasy about getting too close to the octopus at the marine laboratory, but after he spends more time there, he manages to overcome his fears.
Gold 1
Night Is a Blanket
by Barbara Hill
illustrations by Clare Bowes
In this poetic story within a story, a grandfather makes up a bedtime story for his grandchildren to explain how the moon was formed.
Gold 1